Tag Archives: weeds

Mystery Seedlings

21 Mar

Yesterday I did some weeding in the garden. With all the warm weather and rain we’ve been having, the weeds have already started to take over some of the beds. I knew I better jump on this quickly before it gets out of hand. While I was working I discovered some mystery seedlings.

I also decided to reseed more okra since I disappointingly had only one seed germinate. I replanted a few more green bean seeds, too, to replace the ones that were essentially decapitated by an unknown foe.

The lonely okra seedling

While I was hoeing in a different part of the garden, I discovered two okra seedlings far from where they were sown. Huh? At least I think they’re okra plants. They could also be zucchini, or possibly cucumber. Or maybe the original okra plant isn’t really okra . . .

Mystery Seedling #1

Mystery Seedling #2

Very confusing. I looked at photos online and they do indeed all look very similar. I need to let them grow a little to discern their true identity.

I transplanted the mystery seedlings over to the okra row. Can’t wait to find out what they turn out to be.

It could be that the two mystery seedlings are from seeds in the compost, or from last year’s garden. I have four heads of lettuce and arugula that appeared out of nowhere this winter, all in places I definitely didn’t plant them.

Lettuce and arugula far from home

I guess that’s what happens when you create a really great garden environment. Things just want to grow, even in places you didn’t plant anything.